Why Is My 2013 Edge SE Heater Blowing Cold Air?

In this article, we’ll explore some common reasons why your Edge SE’s heater might be blowing cold air and provide guidance on diagnosing and fixing the issue.

Common Reasons for Cold Air

There are several factors that can cause your heater to blow cold air.

Blocked Heater Core

The heater core is responsible for transferring heat from the engine coolant to the air blown into the cabin. Over time, debris and sediment can accumulate in the heater core, causing it to become clogged and preventing the transfer of heat. This can result in your heater blowing cold air.

Broken Thermostat

A broken thermostat can also cause cold air to blow from your heater. The thermostat regulates the flow of coolant through the engine, ensuring it reaches an optimal temperature. If the thermostat is stuck open, the engine may not reach its proper operating temperature, leading to inadequate heat production.

Low Coolant Level

Low coolant levels can prevent your car’s heating system from functioning correctly. If there isn’t enough coolant circulating through the heater core, it won’t be able to produce enough heat to warm the cabin.

Malfunctioning Water Pump

The water pump circulates coolant through the engine and heating system. A failing or damaged water pump can reduce coolant flow, causing your heater to blow cold air.

Damaged HVAC System

Heater Blend Door Actuator Problems

The heater blend door actuator controls the airflow between the heater core and the air conditioning evaporator. A malfunctioning actuator can cause the blend door to become stuck, allowing only cold air to flow into the cabin.

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Heater Control Valve Issues

The heater control valve regulates the flow of coolant into the heater core. If this valve is stuck or damaged , it can prevent hot coolant from reaching the heater core, resulting in cold air being blown into the cabin.

Diagnosing the Problem

To determine the cause of your Edge SE’s heater blowing cold air, you can perform the following checks:

Visually Inspect the System

Look for any visible signs of damage or wear on the heater hoses, water pump, and other heating system components. This can help you identify potential problem areas.

Check the Coolant Level

Ensure that the coolant level is within the recommended range. If it’s low, there may not be enough coolant circulating through the heater core to produce sufficient heat.

Test the Thermostat

A simple way to check if the thermostat is functioning correctly is to let the engine warm up and then feel the upper radiator hose. If it’s warm, the thermostat is likely functioning properly. If it remains cool, the thermostat may be stuck open and should be replaced.

Inspect the Heater Core

Check for signs of leakage, blockage, or damage to the heater core. If you notice coolant on the cabin floor or a sweet smell inside the vehicle, it may indicate a leaking heater core.

Test the Water Pump

Listen for any unusual noises coming from the water pump while the engine is running. A failing water pump may produce grinding or whining sounds, which can indicate a problem with the pump’s bearings or impeller.

Examine the HVAC System

Check the heater blend door actuator and heater control valve for proper operation. If either component is malfunctioning, it could be the cause of the cold air blowing from your heater.

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How to Fix the Issue

Once you’ve identified the cause of the problem, you can take the following steps to fix the issue:

Flush the Heater Core

If your heater core is clogged, you can try flushing it with a specialized cleaning solution to remove debris and restore proper heat transfer.

Replace the Thermostat

If your thermostat is faulty, replace it with a new one to ensure proper engine temperature regulation and adequate heat production.

Top Off the Coolant

If your coolant level is low, refill the coolant reservoir to the recommended level. Be sure to use the correct coolant type for your vehicle.

Repair or Replace the Water Pump

If the water pump is damaged or failing, repair or replace it as necessary to restore proper coolant circulation.

Address HVAC System Issues

If the heater blend door actuator or heater control valve is malfunctioning, replace the faulty component to restore proper airflow and coolant flow through the heater core.


A 2013 Ford Edge SE heater blowing cold air can be caused by various issues, including a blocked heater core, broken thermostat, low coolant level, malfunctioning water pump, or damaged HVAC system components. By diagnosing and addressing these problems, you can restore your vehicle’s heating system to its optimal performance and enjoy a warm and comfortable ride.


1. How often should I flush my heater core? It’s generally recommended to flush your heater core every 30,000 to 60,000 miles, or as specified in your vehicle’s owner’s manual.

2. Can I drive my car with a broken thermostat? Driving with a broken thermostat can cause engine overheating or poor performance. It’s best to replace a faulty thermostat as soon as possible to prevent further damage.

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3. What are the signs of a failing water pump? Symptoms of a failing water pump include coolant leaks, unusual noises, engine overheating, and poor cabin heating.

4. How much does it cost to fix a heater blowing cold air? The cost to fix a heater blowing cold air varies depending on the issue and the required repairs. For example, flushing the heater core can cost between $100 and $200, while replacing a thermostat may range from $150 to $300. Repairing or replacing a water pump can cost between $300 and $600. Addressing HVAC system issues, such as a faulty heater blend door actuator or heater control valve, can range from $100 to $500.

5. Can I fix a heater blowing cold air on my own? Depending on your level of mechanical expertise and the complexity of the issue, you may be able to fix some heater problems on your own. Simple tasks like topping off the coolant or replacing a thermostat can be done by a DIY enthusiast. However, for more complex repairs, such as addressing HVAC system issues or replacing a water pump, it’s recommended to consult a professional mechanic.
